We offer MyHome automation system from bticino. CCTV- Video Surveillance System  could be a module of the MyHome and be  part of an integrated installation or be stand alone.(System Integration & Control)


BTcino offers 2 technologies:

1. IP solutions

2. Analogue solution

IP cameras  offer  technological advances in the areas of video quality and system deployment. Analogue cameras on the other hand cannot provide resolution above TV standards, the maximum being about 0.4 megapixel. Resolution of IP cameras can be many times higher  and they can capture a clearer image when objects are moving. Analogue solution is a mature technology and the cost is less compared to the IP solution. The choice between IP or analogue solution depends on the requirements of each individual project. We will be very happy to assist you in making the right choice.




BTcino 42 inch monitor



Dome Wall camera



Ceiling Dome Camera



 Controller for Dome Speed cameras



Digital Video Recorder for Analogue or Network Video Recorder for IP



Compact Camera



Modular Camera



Interior Camera with Axolute glass plate




BTcino software for tablets and smartphones




Click on the picture to download Glossary file






  Petros Pieros Ltd.    Limassol, Cyprus.  info@petrospieros.eu